Helping people in trouble. That’s noble nature given to human beings. JICA assists people and countries in trouble with Japanese experience and technology. We are doing such great works. However, many NS and JS don’t seem excited in our daily works. Even Kenya Office has best staffs. I’m so sorry. I really want to make our workplace where staffs can feel worthwhile and fulfilling. I really want to make our workplace where staffs can grow and mature. I think that it will be achieved if we can install a system in which staffs can feel their contribution to work and their own growth. Work and growth. Both. To develop Kenya alone cannot satisfy my staffs. Individual growth must be necessary condition. My growth doesn’t mean just proficiency of works and academic degree. It means mature as a person through works. We installed guide line of challenge sheet and evaluation system. How can we improve them? I considered it for last four-day weekend.
By the way, I am 47 years old. At JICA, JS shall be post-off at 55 or 57 years old. After the post-off, I will retire from JICA and open a bar. I have 10 years. I have two goals. One is to realize a stable power supply in Africa. The other is to make JICA staff resource development institution. Of course, “Staffs” include NS and JS. I am keen on them and happy.
It’s very difficult for us to change someone. It’s very hard for someone to change you. It’s so difficult for organization and internal regulation to change you. Only you can change yourself. Only I can change myself. When we decide to change ourselves, we can try new things. When we try, we can get errors and lessons and we can grow. If we repeat it, we can mature. The most difficult thing is to keep our mind for challenging. I’d like to create such system and atmosphere in our office. Of course, boss has to understand what staffs are trying to do, maybe through challenge sheet. If boss understands it, boss can entrust a new job for the growth and recognize daily efforts by staffs.
We should not wait for instructions from boss. We cannot grow in that style. If we find a problem, we should not leave it on someone else. Yes, it’s my problem and my responsibility. And propose options to sort it out and suggest what I can do. In that style, we can get into the center of our office and our office. And you get more failure and lessons. Staffs who wait for instructions from boss cannot get the opportunities. Not excited. No one can continue the style till retirement. Boss will entrust jobs to staffs who have a sense of responsibility. Even if the staffs make a mistake, boss will cover the staffs.
There are 3 patterns of communication in our office. Between NS. Between NS and JS. Between JS. I feel there is somehow silent distrust in all patterns. People who cannot trust others are not trusted by others. People who cannot trust themselves are not trusted by others. Even if we cannot trust present colleague, we have to believe that he/she can grow. Of course, trust of boss to staffs comes first. Staffs are not willing to challenge without boss’s trust. Staffs cannot grow. To trust is to develop staffs. That’s empowerment. There is beautiful trust among accounting and procurement section in Vietnam Office. They said it took nine years to achieve it. They built mutual trust though individual efforts and proficiency of works.
Do you remember 和魂洋才, I mentioned it in Pro. A/B training. It is Japanese development style after Meiji evolution. Japan has developed using western experience and technology preserving soul and culture of Japan. Kenya also wants such development. JICA wants Kenya to achieve such development. Japanese staff and experts can share Japanese experience and technology. NS knows soul and culture of Kenya. NS can propose how to spread Japanese experience and technology to Kenya. I would like to ask NS to study the history of Japanese development. I would like to ask JS to study Kenyan people and culture, so that we can work together more deeply. That’s co-creation. JICA people don’t like to use “aid”. We use “cooperation”. We work for the Japan International Cooperation Agency. We can be proud of that.
I think that it is important for this project to consider 3 points.
1. How can staffs keep challenging spirit?
2. How can the challenges be shared between Staffs and CR/SRs?
3. What is the role and responsibility of CR and SRs in this project?